Unsure about what is required of you during the examinations?

There are rules and regulations for our examinations. Scroll down to look in details on what to do before, during and after examinations, what to do being hospitalised or faced with MRT train disruptions during examinations, and how to apply for deferment for examinations.

All candidates taking examinations of the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) must comply with the following rules. Candidates who fail to observe any of these rules may be disqualified from the examinations.

1. Examination Schedule

1.1     Candidates are responsible for presenting themselves for examination on the date and time shown in My Exam Schedule via ITE Student Portal or My Course via STEP Student Portal.


1.2     Candidates should report at least 20 minutes before the examination time.


2. Before Examination Day (for computer-based examination¹)

2.1     Candidates should access the online practice examination via ITE Student Portal to familiarise with taking computer-based examination.


2.2     Computer-based examination is accessed through ITE Student Portal. Candidates should ensure correct password is used to access the portal. Otherwise, candidates may lose time to reset password.


3. Before Start of the Examination

3.1     Only candidates who have registered for the examination are permitted to enter the examination venue.


3.2     Candidates must bring their photo ID (e.g. physical or digital NRIC/Work Pass/Student Pass; or ITE Student EZ-Link Card) for identification. International candidates whose Student Pass or Work Pass has expired before the examination can seek approval from their Section Head to use Passport for identification instead. The candidates must still write or shade their FIN on the answer scripts/practical works.


           Candidates are to place their physical photo ID on their desk throughout the examination for verification by Invigilator.  If the identity of the candidate is in doubt, Invigilator may take a photograph of the candidate for separate verification.


           Candidates using their digital IC in the SingPass app via their mobile device should unmask their NRIC No./FIN for verification and attendance taking by Invigilator before they are allowed to enter the examination venue.   


3.3     Candidates will be asked to leave the examination venue if their identification documents do not belong to them.


3.4     Candidates must be properly attired when they turn up for the examination. Full-time candidates are required to be in their College uniform when sitting for the examination in their College. Otherwise, they may be barred from the examination. 


3.5     Candidates are not permitted to eat, drink or smoke in the examination venue.


3.6     Candidates taking computer-based examinations should also refer to 'Additional Instructions on Computer-based Examinations' and pay attention to the additional instructions announced by the Presiding Examiner or Invigilator at the examination venue before commencement of examination.


3.7     Candidates are not allowed to bring instruction manuals, external storage media and other peripherals into the examination venue. They are not allowed to possess books, documents, pictures, notes or any unauthorised materials other than those provided by the Presiding Examiner or Invigilator.  Electronic and communication devices (e.g. mobile phones, cameras, tablets, smart wrist watches/glasses, pen with image capturing capabilities etc.) that are capable of displaying and/or transmitting visual or audio information are also not allowed. Any candidates found to be in possession of such materials and devices are considered as dishonest and liable to the same penalty as those detected for dishonesty during examinations.  If communication devices are left at the front or back of the hall/room, they must be switched off. ITE will not be responsible for any loss of personal belongings


3.8     Candidates are permitted only to use only non-programmable electronic calculators that are silent. Calculators that give out sound, need external power supply or transmit signals are strictly prohibited. Calculators must not be used for the retrieval of stored data, text or instructions or for the graphical representation of functions and data. Candidates should refer to the guidelines on the features of calculators that are not permitted for use in ITE examinations.


3.9      Paper-based Examination²

           Candidates are given about 10 minutes before the scheduled examination start time to read the question paper. Candidates must not start writing until instructed to do so by the Presiding Examiner or Invigilator.


           Computer-based Examination

           Candidates are given about 10 minutes to read the Administrative Instructions page, and Exam Paper Instructions displayed on candidate's screen. At the start time of the examination, the system will allow candidates to begin the examination.


3.10   Candidates must inform the Presiding Examiner or Invigilator immediately if they are not issued the correct module examination or supplementary materials (e.g. formulae sheet). 

4. During the Examination

4.1     No candidates are allowed to enter the examination venue after 30 minutes have lapsed from the scheduled start time of the examination.


4.2     Candidates may leave the examination venue after 30 minutes have lapsed from the start of the examination. They are not allowed to return to the examination venue unless an Invigilator or a person authorised by the Presiding Examiner has accompanied them while they are away. For computer-based examination, the candidate who temporarily leaves the examination venue escorted by an Invigilator must navigate to the Progress Summary page to protect the responses.


4.3     Candidates must not, for any reason, communicate with other candidates during the examination. Candidates shall not do anything which causes unnecessary distraction to other candidates. Candidates who are guilty of improper conduct or misbehaviour may be asked to leave the examination venue.


4.4     Any candidate who wishes to communicate with an Invigilator must remain seated and raise his/her hand.


4.5     Candidates are not allowed to borrow stationery and mathematical instruments such as rulers and calculators from other candidates during the examination.


4.6     Candidates should note that legible handwriting is taken into account for the award of marks for paper-based examination. Candidates should use black or blue ballpoint pen during the examinations. Candidates are also reminded to use a soft-lead pencil (e.g. 2B) to shade their answers on the Answer Sheet.  A soft eraser should be used for erasure if candidates wish to change their answers. It is the responsibility of the candidates to ensure that answers are presented clearly in Answer Sheet / Answer Scripts for marking.


4.7     Candidates will not be given extra time for printing of responses for submission (if required).


4.8     Candidates will be stopped from proceeding further in the practical examination if they continue to adopt unsafe or dangerous method of operation despite warning.  An unsafe or dangerous method of operation is one which may injure candidates or cause damage to machines or equipment.


4.9     Candidates are liable for any damage to machines, tools and equipment arising from their negligence.

5. At the End of the Examination

5.1     Candidates who are allowed into the examination venue within 30 minutes after scheduled start time of the examination will not be given extra time at the end of examination.


5.2      After the first 30 minutes from start of examination, candidates must raise their hand if he/she has completed the examination. Once confirmed by the Invigilator, the candidate can leave the examination venue. 


5.3     Paper-based examination

           No candidates are allowed to leave the examination venue during the last 15 minutes of the examination. This is to facilitate the administration and collection of answer scripts.


          Candidates should stop writing/working immediately when instructed by the Presiding Examiner or Invigilator.


          Candidates should remain seated while the answer scripts/practical works are being collected. 


          Candidates should not take question paper, used and unused answer booklets or any items issued by the Invigilator out of the examination venue unless otherwise stated.


          Computer-based examination

          Candidates will have their responses auto-submitted if he/she has not submitted at the examination end time.


          Candidates must not exit the application or shut down the PC/notebook.


5.4     For examinations where more than one relay is carried out, candidates are not allowed to leave until the end of the examination, unless otherwise instructed by the Presiding Examiner or Invigilator. 


5.5     Candidates can leave the examination venue only after they have been told to do so by the Presiding Examiner or Invigilator.

6. Academic Dishonesty

6.1     A candidate is guilty of academic dishonesty if he/she cheats or attempts to cheat during the examination.


6.2     Candidates found guilty of academic dishonesty will be graded ‘Fail’ and may face disciplinary action.

7. Posting of Examination Material Online

7.1     Candidates are not allowed to post any examination-related copyright material (e.g. whole or part of question(s), question paper, answer script) on any social media or web page. Candidates who are found doing so will be subject to disciplinary action.

8. Deferment of Examination

8.1     Candidates who are unable to sit for examination but have a valid reason can seek for deferment to the next examination series.  Candidates are to submit their request to their Section Head for approval before the date of examination.


8.2     For reason of absence which cannot be known beforehand, candidates must submit their applications with supporting documents within the next two working days from the date of examination. The supporting documents should preferably be the original copy. In cases where the supporting document is required by more than one party (e.g. more than one college/department for examinations at different colleges), photocopy of the supporting document can be accepted. However, the photocopy must be certified as true copy by ITE staff who are designated as Lecturers and above after original copy is sighted.

9. Absence from Examination

9.1     Candidates who are absent from an end-of-module examination without ITE’s approval will be considered to have failed the module.

10. Infectious Diseases and Hospitalised Students

10.1   Candidates who are suffering from any infectious disease (e.g. chicken pox) are not allowed to sit for examination at the assigned examination venue. Arrangement for a hospitalised candidate to sit for examination will be considered on case-by-case basis. For SARS, H1N1, COVID-19 or any other infectious diseases advised by MOH, additional instructions will be issued where necessary for compliance.


11. Major Train Service Disruption

11.1   In the event of major train service disruption, candidates should still make their way to the examination venue. Candidates may be allowed to take examinations with full duration given if they arrive before the end of the examination and provided no other candidates have left the examination venue. Otherwise, candidates may be allowed to take make-up examinations.


¹ Computer-based examination refers to examinations conducted in ITE Integrated Assessment System (IAS).

² Paper-based examination refers to both written and practical examination.