Learning Accessibility
The Learning Accessibility
Office (LAO) has been set up at each ITE College to support students with Special Education Needs (SEN) in their learning process so that these students can have a holistic education and attain independent living and work skills to gain meaningful
employment upon graduation.
A) Services Available
Students with special needs can approach the LAO at their respective Colleges for assistance to access services needed for their learning, such as:
- Course counselling
- Transition support
- Advice on Assistive Technology Devices
- Access to facilities
- Behavioural support
- Provision of appropriate access arrangements during tests and examinations
- Industrial attachment
- Career Counselling
B) Locations of LAOs
- ITE College Central : Student Care @ Central, Block A, Level 3, Unit 08
How to Get Here - ITE College East : Student Care Department, Admin Block, Level 2, A02-02
How to Get Here - ITE College West : Student Care Department, Block 3, Level 6
How to Get Here
C) Disclosure of Information
Students with special needs are encouraged to contact the College LAO upon enrolling for an ITE course so that we are able to advise you on the types of support available. Knowing your requirements on learning accessibility allows us to put the
appropriate support in place when you start your course. Your personal information will not be disclosed for other purposes without your / your parents’ consent, except where there is a legal obligation to do so, or where exceptional issues
of personal safety arise.
Non-disclosure of relevant information may hamper the provision of services as we may not be aware of your needs. If you are already studying at ITE and have not disclosed your special learning requirements, we encourage you to do so immediately.
D) SEN Fund
The MOE SEN Fund helps students with (1) physical and sensory (i.e. hearing & visual) conditions, (2) learning & language conditions, or (3) social and behavioural conditions to purchase Assistive Technology devices and supporting services. Examples of Assistive Technology devices and support services include the following:
- Alternative keyboards
- Braille displays
- Braille printers / embossers
- Computer pointing devices
- Reading systems
- Text-to-speech devices
- Voice recognition technology
- Word prediction systems
- Note-taking services
- Signing interpretation services
E) Eligibility & How to Apply for SEN Fund
To seek assistance for the Assistive Technology devices/services, students with special needs who meet the following criteria can obtain a copy of the
application form from their respective College LAO:
- The student must be a Singapore Citizen;
- The student is a full-time student in ITE, or has a confirmed place in ITE; and
- The student must have declared his/her SEN condition(s) to the College, with a statement of diagnosis of condition(s) from relevant medical professionals (such as audiologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists).
The completed form must be submitted to the College LAO together with a statement of diagnosis by relevant medical professionals. Students with special needs can approach the College LAO to find out more information about the SEN Fund.
Getting Around in ITE
ITE’s College buildings and infrastructure support the needs of physically-impaired individuals, such as wheelchair users. Examples of barrier-free facilities in ITE Colleges include:
- Access to lifts at every level
- Accessible parking lots for persons with disabilities
- Braille numbers and characters on lift buttons
- Inter-connectivity between buildings that allow for seamless movement
- Washrooms for persons with disabilities
Students with special needs who require additional assistance for access to specific facilities can approach the College LAO to find out more.
Special Access Arrangements during Assessments
Special access arrangements may be made for students with special needs to assess their knowledge and skills competence. Such arrangements would allow them to participate in assessments
on an equal basis with their peers.
Examples of access arrangements that may be considered include the following:
- Adjustments to assessment settings (e.g. preferential seating)
- Adjustments to assessment timing (e.g. extended time, frequent breaks)
- Adjustments to presentation methods (e.g. large-print, alternative colors)
- Adjustments to response formats (e.g. written, multiple-choice questions)
- Use of Assistive Technology devices
How to Apply for Special Access Arrangement
Students with special needs may request for special access arrangements to be made for their assessments. All requests should be supported by relevant documentary evidence such as medical reports, statement of diagnosis, psycho-education assessments
from audiologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists or relevant medical professionals. You may contact your Class Advisor or Section Head within the first two weeks of your first semester to seek approval for any special access
arrangements required.
H) Contact Us
For advice, guidance or enquiries on learning accessibility and support in ITE, please contact the following:
Operating hours are Mon - Fri, 8.30am - 6pm. Closed on weekends and public holidays.
ITE College Central
Learning Accessibility Office
Student Care @ Central
E-mail: whatsup@ite.edu.sg
ITE College East
Learning Accessibility Office
Student Care Department
E-mail: ce.studentcare@ite.edu.sg
Tel: 6544-9287
ITE College West
Learning Accessibility Office
Student Care Department
E-mail: cw.studentcare@ite.edu.sg
Tel: 6590-2628
Enquiries on Learning
Accessibility @ ITE
E-mail: edusupport@ite.edu.sg
Tel: 6590-2563
I) Related Links
- Asian Women’s Welfare Association (AWWA) – www.awwa.org.sg
- Association for Persons with Special Needs – www.apsn.org.sg
- Autism Association (Singapore) – www.autismlinks.org.sg
- Autism Resource Centre (Singapore) – www.autism.org.sg
- Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore – https://cpas.org.sg/
- Community Health Assessment Team (CHAT) – www.chat.mentalhealth.sg
- Disabled People’s Association – www.dpa.org.sg
- Down Syndrome Association – www.downsyndrome-singapore.org
- Dyslexia Association of Singapore – www.das.org.sg
- ExtraOrdinary Horizons - www.eohorizons.com
- Handicaps Welfare Association – www.hwa.org.sg
- iC2 PrepHouse Limited - www.ic2.com.sg
- Ministry of Social and Family Development – www.msf.gov.sg
- Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore – www.minds.org.sg
- Muscular Dystrophy Association – www.mdas.org.sg
- National Council of Social Services – www.ncss.gov.sg
- Rainbow Centre – www.rainbowcentre.org.sg
- SG Enable – www.sgenable.sg
- Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped – www.savh.org.sg
- Singapore Epilepsy Foundation – www.epilepsy.com.sg
- Society for the Promotion of ADHD Research and Knowledge www.spark.org.sg
- SPD (formerly known as “Society for the Physically Disabled”) – www.spd.org.sg
- The Singapore Association for the Deaf – www.sadeaf.org.sg