ITE Corporate Logo

The following logos are to be used to represent ITE formally and corporately:

No letteringFlushed left with letteringCentralised with lettering
ITE logo no text
ITE logo left
ITE logo centered

Please contact Corporate Affairs & Development Division for permission and advice before use. Different versions of the logo are also available. Please consult Corporate Affairs & Development Division for approved alternative versions.

Minimum Clear Space & Size

The minimum clear space around the logo should be 50 per cent of the length of the logo. The minimum size of the ITE logo is 8mm for each side of the ITE logo (no lettering) and 10mm in height for the logo with lettering.


The name of ITE must be presented in full: Institute of Technical Education, and printed in Helvetica Black Oblique typeface.


ITE LogoLogo Text

Burgundy Red Pantone 187C

Warm Grey Pantone 10C

CMYK Process Value: 
Cyan - 0%
Magenta - 100%
Yellow - 79%
Black - 20%

CMYK Process Value:
Cyan - 0%
Magenta - 14%
Yellow - 28%
Black - 55%
Red - 196
Green - 18
Blue - 48

 ITE College Logos

Where appropriate, ITE College Logos could be used to represent the Colleges. Reduction or enlargement of logos must be done proportionately.

ITE College CentralITE College EastITE College West


The name of the College must be presented in full and printed in Helvetica Black Oblique typeface.


Pantone colours and colour compositions are to follow that of the primary ITE logo.

Commonly Used Acronyms

 To ensure consistency and alignment when using acronyms, ITE has adopted the following for use in publications and collaterals. 


 Certificates Acronyms
 National ITE CertificateNitec 
 Higher National ITE Certificate Higher NItec
 Technical Diploma TD
 Technical Engineer Diploma TED
 Work-Study Diploma WSDip
 ITE Skills Certificate ISC
 Certificate of Competency CoC
 Certified Industry Trainer CIT
 Advanced Certified Industry Trainer ACIT

Workforce Skills Qualification WSQ 


 School of Health SciencesSHS 
 School of Business & ServicesSBS 
 School of Design & MediaSDM 
 School of Electronics & Info-comm TechnologySEIT 
 School of EngineeringSOE 
 School of HospitalitySOH