Heartiest Congratulations to the Class of 2024!


We would like to invite you to join us at the ITE Graduation Ceremony 2024 on Monday, 29 July 2024.


Online Registration Period: Tue 4 Jun 2024 to Tue 26 Jun 2024 [11:59pm]

Click HERE to register.

You must register your attendance online if you wish to attend the ceremony.





To attend the ITE Graduation Ceremony 2024, please follow these steps:

Important Dates Activities
Tue 4 Jun 2024 and

Wed 26 Jun 2024
(By 11:59pm)

Register Your Attendance Online

  • Click HERE to access the online registration form.
  • Register your attendance for the graduation ceremony.
  • Provide your mobile phone number and email address.
  • Register the attendance of your guests (up to 2 only) by providing the following particulars - full name (as reflected in NRIC), relationship to you and mobile phone number.
  • Receive an Acknowledgement via email on submission of your attendance.
Wed 26 Jun 2024 (11.59pm) Last Day To Register Attendance Online
Tue 4 Jun 2024 and
Sun 14 Jul 2024

Rent/Purchase ITE Graduation Gown

  • Graduands attending the ITE Graduation Ceremony 2024 are required to wear the ITE Graduation Gown.
  • Graduands in military uniform will not be presented on stage, please change into recommended outfit before donning the ITE Graduation Gown.  
  • For further information regarding the rental or purchase of the ITE Graduation Gown, please here.  
  • Graduands are advised to dress neatly and appropriately for the occasion. 
By Mon 15 Jul 2024

Receive Confirmation Email (Only for Graduands who indicated they are attending the ceremony)

  • Receive a Confirmation email with the ITE Graduation Ceremony 2024 details.
  • Contact Ms Betty Tay or Ms Elizabeth Chew via admissions_csp@ite.edu.sg if you do not receive any email by Mon 15 Jul 2024.

Important Notes:

1. Only graduands who have registered their attendance online for the ITE Graduation Ceremony 2024 by Wed 26 Jun 2024 will:

  1. Receive a Confirmation email with further details about the ceremony by Mon 15 Jul 2024;
  2. Get a reserved seat in the Auditorium, based on the presentation sequence on stage.

Please note that graduands who arrive late, after the close of event day registration, will not be presented on stage.

2. Graduands who have indicated ‘Not Attending’ in the online registration form or who did not register their attendance online by Wed 26 Jun 2024 will not have seats reserved for them and will not be presented on stage.




Event Details
ITE Graduation Ceremony 2024
Mon 29 Jul 2024
3.00 pm
Tay Eng Soon Convention Centre (Blk A, Level 4)
ITE Headquarters & ITE College Central
2 Ang Mo Kio Drive
Singapore 567720
Click here to view map of ITE Headquarters and ITE College Central.

Time Programme
2.30pmAll to be seated

Commencement of Ceremony
National Anthem 
Video Presentation – Class of 2024
Address by CEO/ITE 
Address by Guest-of-Honour (GOH) 
Presentation of Diplomas with Merit and Certificates of Merit/Certificates 
Presentation of Course Medals for Nitec, Higher Nitec & Technical Diploma (including Major De Promotion for TD Culinary Arts) 
Presentation of Tay Eng Soon Scholarship Awards & ITE Outstanding Progress Awards
Presentation of Top Awards to Outstanding Graduands 
Valedictory Speech 
Finale Performance 
End of programme in the auditorium by 5.15 pm.

5.15pm Reception



Please read the details carefully to ensure you adhere to the timings and proceedings on the day of the ceremony.

Ceremony Proceedings

Activity Details
Items to Bring Along on Graduation Day
  • NRIC / Student Concession Card / NS Identification Card / Driving Licence / Passport (For verification during registration at the Registration counter)
  • Your ITE Graduation Gown
  • Please refrain from bringing big or bulky bags. 
Registration of Attendance

Registration of attendance is between 1.30pm and 2.30pm.

  • Register your attendance at the Registration Counter outside the Library Foyer (Block A, Level 4) between 1.30pm and 2.30pm.
  • Only the following can be used to register your attendance:
  • NRIC / Student Concession Card / NS Identification Card / Driving Licence / Passport
  • Collect the Graduand Card issued to you by the registration staff
  • Place the Graduand Card in your gown pocket. Do not lose / misplace them.

Important Notes:
- Please be punctual, as registration will close at 2.30pm sharp.
- Graduands who arrive late (i.e. after 2.30pm) will not be registered and will not be allowed to go on stage to receive their certificate/medal. 
- Do note that we are unable to accept walk-ins or unregistered graduands.

Graduation Gown Robing

You are required to wear your graduation gown before proceeding to the Auditorium for the ceremony.

  • Only graduands who wear the ITE Graduation Gown will be allowed to join the proceedings.
  • Graduands in military uniform will not be presented on stage, please change into recommended outfit before donning the ITE Graduation Gown.  
  • Rental/purchase of the ITE Graduation Gown is available on the day of ceremony. The vendor will set up their counter at Room K4-24. The counter will be opened between 12.30pm and 2.30pm. 
  • Graduands can put on their graduation gown at the robing area before they proceed to the Auditorium. Please follow the directional signs to the robing area.
Doors Opening and Seating Times
  • The Auditorium doors will open at 2.00pm for graduands and guests to be seated.
  • To ensure that the Ceremony can start on time at 3.00pm, all graduands and guests are to be seated in the Auditorium by 2.30pm.
  • Please note that the entrance will be closed after the Ceremony has officially started.
  • Latecomers will not be allowed to enter the auditorium.
Guidelines to follow when you are in the Auditorium
  • Please present your Graduand Card to the duty officer who will direct you to your seat in the Auditorium. Please DO NOT CHANGE seats.
  • You should seek permission from the duty officer if you need to go to the washroom. Thereafter, please return to your allocated seat in the Auditorium promptly.
  • Your hand phone must be switched to silent mode while you are inside the Auditorium.
  • At the end of Graduation Ceremony, you should remain seated and wait for instructions to proceed to the reception area.

Receiving Certificate/Course



  • When it is time for you to receive your award, the duty officer will usher you to the queue.
  • For Certificate of Merit recipients, you will receive a red certificate folder prior to going on stage.
  • Have your Graduand Card ready.
  • When it is your turn to receive your award on stage, please GIVE your Graduand Card to the Emcee.
  • When your name is read, walk across the stage smartly and shake hands with the presenter.


    -   For Certificate of Merit recipients: The officer on stage will usher you to your designated position on stage. While waiting for the group photography, please hold your certificate folder in your right hand, in front of you. Face the audience, relax and smile. Please DO NOT OPEN the certificate folder on the stage.

    -   For Course Medal recipients: Receive your medal with both hands. The officer on stage will usher you to your designated position on stage. While waiting for the group photography, please hold your course medal with both hands, in front of you. Face the audience, relax and smile.


  • When the officer and photographer signal the group and the presenter to have the group photograph taken, face the photographer/audience and smile to have your photo taken. After the photo is taken, move to the other side of the stage and walk smartly down from the stage.
  • Remember to observe appropriate behaviour on stage. Your photograph will be taken by the official photographer engaged by ITE. Please do not take selfies or wefies on stage as it is a formal ceremony that is taken seriously by graduands and their families.

    -   For Certificate of Merit Recipients, the certificate folder you receive on stage will not contain any document. Please retain the certificate folder. You will collect your actual certificate after the ceremony, from 5.45 pm onwards, at the Certificate/Medal Collection Counter.

    -   For Course Medallists, the medal will not have your name engraved. Please return the un-engraved medal to the duty officer and collect your course medal after the ceremony, from 5.45 pm onwards, at the Certificate/Medal Collection Counter.

  • Early collection of certificate/medal will not be entertained.
  • You will be ushered back to your seat after collecting your certificate/medal on stage. Graduands are not to leave the auditorium until the entire ceremony is over.
  • As the graduation ceremony is a formal occasion, graduands should observe the do's and don't's to ensure the best possible experience for everyone in attendance.  

End of Ceremony

  • At the end of Graduation Ceremony, you will join your graduating cohort to walk down the aisle as a finale to the ceremony. Please wait for the emcee and duty officer’s instructions to proceed to the designated aisle.
Collection of Certificate/Course Medal After the Ceremony

(from 5.15pm onwards)
  • After the ceremony ends, from 5.15 pm onwards, the Certificate/Medal Collection counter will be opened for graduands to collect their Certificate of Merit/Course Medal.
  • Proceed to the correct counter to collect your Certificate of Merit/Course Medal.
  • Produce your NRIC/Driving Licence/National Service Identification Card for verification when collecting your Certificate of Merit/Course Medal.
  • No Certificate of Merit/Course Medal will be issued if you cannot produce any document for verification. 

Useful Information

Item Details
Your Invited Guests
(limited to 2 guests only)
  • Admission into the Auditorium is strictly by registration only.
  • The seating capacity in the Auditorium at Tay Eng Soon Convention Centre is limited.
  • Seating for Guests is on a first come, first served basis.
  • In the event that all seats in the Auditorium are filled, guests will be ushered to the Function Hall (located opposite the Auditorium) to watch the graduation ceremony via live streaming.
  • Guests may proceed to the Auditorium to be seated from 2.00 pm. Guests are requested to be seated by 2.30 pm. (Graduands are to be seated by 2.30 pm.)
  • Out of courtesy to other guests,
    - Your guests’ mobile phones must be switched to silent mode inside the auditorium.
    - Children below the age of six will not be admitted into the Auditorium.
    - Guests should not leave the auditorium until the entire ceremony is over.
  • Do note that we are unable to accept walk-ins or unregistered guests.

Carpark information

  • There are limited parking lots at ITE Headquarters & ITE College Central. If your guests are driving to the venue, they may park at the nearby HDB car parks.
Photo Taking
  • Professional photographers will be present to take your photos on stage. Please advise your guests to refrain from taking photos during the Graduation Ceremony. 
  • Photographs will be available for download and details will be emailed to you after the event.
  • We will be taking photos and videos at this event, which may be used in various communications platforms, including but not limited to publications, ITE website and social media platforms.
Contact Person for Graduation Ceremony
  • If you need further clarification on ITE Graduation Ceremony 2024, please contact Ms Betty Tay or Ms Elizabeth Chew via admissions_csp@ite.edu.sg.

We look forward to welcoming you at the ceremony to celebrate your accomplishments!

The ITE Graduation Ceremony 2024 website will be progressively updated with the latest information. Do check back regularly.

Thank you.