Speech - Address by Ms Low Khah Gek, CEO, Institute Of Technical Education, at the MOU Signing Ceremony between ITE and Deskera Singapore Pte. Ltd., on 16 April 2019, 3.30pm, Conference Room, Level 6, Block A, ITE College Central

News details
  • Publish date:16 Apr 2019

Mr Shashank Dixit, Chief Executive Officer, Deskera Singapore Pte Ltd

Mr Norvin Chan Wee, Corporate Counsel/Vice President, Corporate Development, Deskera

Friends from Deskera

ITE Colleagues and Students Ladies and Gentlemen


Today, we are excited to embark on a new partnership and journey of collaboration with Deskera Singapore Pte Ltd. This collaboration is important to ITE as it would provide ITE staff and students authentic learning opportunities and exposure to real use cases in Cloud-based Business Enterprise Digitalisation.

I understand that this is the first time that Deskera is embarking on a partnership with a public education institution in Business Enterprise Digitalisation training in Singapore. ITE is very honoured to be your first such partner.

Against the backdrop of industry transformation and digitalisation, ITE has engaged deeply with industry and sought to understand the re-designed work processes, and how technology and various software enterprise systems are deployed at the work place. The ultimate objective is to ensure that the training we provide our students will enable them to be work- ready and future-ready. We realise we have to be responsive and be nimble in the way we tweak or revamp the curriculum. We have started to introduce Data Analytics, Digital Marketing and Customer Relationship Management to all Business School students.


Helping SMEs go Digital

We are excited by the value that will be generated through this partnership with Deskera. Our staff and students will get the chance to use Deskera’s Business Management software and be trained in five areas:

  1. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) – Accounting, Finance Services, Business Services courses
  2. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - All
  3. Project Management (PM) – All
  4. Human Resource Management System (HRMS) - Human Resource and Administration courses
  5. Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP) – Retail, Logistics, Business Services, Engineering courses

Today, SMEs are the primary employers of our ITE graduates. Many local SMEs are facing challenges to innovate their business model and transform their business processes to stay relevant and competitive in the digitalized economy. We hope that after being equipped with the knowledge and know-how of using Deskera’s Business Management software for various functions, our ITE staff/students/graduates will be able to actively work alongside and inside the various SMEs to help them digitalise their work processes and improve their effectiveness and productivity.

We note that Deskera has already been appointed as one of the solution providers under the “Start Digital Pack” for SMEs. There is indeed already strategic alignment and synergy in our desire and goals to support SMEs in their transformation and digitalisation journey.


In conclusion, I would like to express our deep appreciation to Mr Shashank, Mr Chan and our friends from Deskera, for your partnership to work with us to equip our ITE students with strong digital skills and enable them to play significant roles in the transformation and digitalisation journey of SMEs. Together we will help our ITE graduates build good careers and be sought after as well as valued by their employers.

My ITE colleagues and I look forward to a very fruitful and meaningful partnership with you.

Thank you.