Besides strengthening the existing Alumni Network, we extend alumni networking beyond the shores of Singapore to:
- Allow alumni who are overseas to keep in touch as well as remain connected to ITE;
- Provide an avenue for alumni in Singapore with common interests to network with fellow alumni overseas and vice versa;
- Provide mutual help among alumni while overseas and assist members who are newly stationed overseas to settle in;
- Provide the link with other overseas alumni groups (such as those from the other Institutes of Higher Learning) to interact and explore business opportunity; and
- Provide a platform for successful alumni overseas, who are entrepreneurs and professionals, to promote technical education through:
- Sharing with alumni and ITE students their experiences overseas and in setting up ventures;
- Providing overseas attachment for ITE students and lecturers; and
- Facilitating recruitment of ITE graduates for overseas

A) China
- Suzhou Chapter
Thirteenth of April 2006 marked a memorable occasion for ITE Alumni Association with the inauguration of its first Overseas Chapter, in China, and the signing of the Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) between ITE and its overseas industry partners for the provision of industrial attachment places for ITE students. 
ITE had successfully signed MOUs with five companies in China, pledging a total of more than 70 overseas attachment places for ITE students for 2006 and 2007.
Representative of China - Suzhou Chapter: Mr Ang Kim Sneah, Class of 1971
B) China
- Shanghai Chapter
Within a short span of 7 months from the launch of
China - Suzhou Chapter, the China -
Shanghai Chapter was set up on 14 Nov 2006. This speaks volumes about the
growth of China and the significant presence of our alumni in China.

Representative of China - Shanghai Chapter: Mr Roger Kwok, Graduating Class of 1978
C) Vietnam
With the success of the two China Chapters, the ITE Alumni Association Vietnam Chapter was set up on 10 July 2008. The Ceremony, graced by Mr Bruce Poh Geok Huat, then Director & Chief Executive Officer of ITE, was held in Ho Chi Minh City.
In conjunction with the launch, ITE signed 3-year MOUs with four companies in Vietnam to provide 60 overseas attachment places for ITE students from 2008 to 2010.

Representative of Vietnam Chapter:Mr Kay Kong Huat, Graduating Class of 1981
D) Malaysia
Another milestone was achieved with the introduction of the ITE Alumni Association Malaysia Chapter on 14 Jul 2010.
The Launch cum Signing of MOUs between ITE and its overseas industry partners, was graced by Mr Bruce Poh Geok Huat, then Director & Chief Executive Officer of ITE in Penang, Malaysia.
The MOUs were signed with five companies in Malaysia providing a total of more than 130 overseas attachment places for ITE students from 2010 to 2012.

Representative of Malaysia Chapter:Mr Chai Meng Meng, Graduating Class of 1982
E) China - Guangdong Chapter
The third China Chapter was set up on 30 Jul 2012 in Guangdong. This is testimony of the tremendous growth of China and the significant presence of ITE alumni there. The Ceremony was graced by Mr Bruce Poh Geok Huat, then Director & Chief Executive Officer of ITE in Shenzhen, China. In conjunction with the launch, ITE signed 3-year MOUs with four companies to provide a total of 111 overseas attachment places for ITE students from 2012 to 2014. 
On 5 Sep 2019, ITE further strengthened its partnership, renewed and signed a 3-year MOUs with the three existing industry partners in Shenzhen, China and another two new companies linked through ITEAA China Chapters respectively. The five companies have committed to provide a total of 132 placements for ITE students from 2019 to 2021. The MOU Signing Ceremony was graced by Ms Low Khah Gek, Chief Executive Officer of ITE. 
Representative of China - Guangdong Chapter: Mr Francis Wong, Graduating Class of 1986