Alumni Interest Groups are informal platforms to interact and network with your fellow alumni with similar interests and to stay connected with ITE.
Interested to form an Interest Group? Please email Graduate Affairs Department.
Existing Interest Groups:
A) ITE Alumni Filmmaking Group
The ITE Filmmaking Alumni group understands the importance of keeping the film family bonded, be it for work, or as a support group. This group was created in Nov 2018 to provide an opportunity for all alumni filmmakers to maintain their bond, share
their passion for filmmaking, and network with fellow alumni.

Do join us to get the latest updates on the annual “FLM Alumni Grip Course” and “FLM Orientation Programme”.
Interested? Please contact: Chairman, Mr Seth Tan, Graduating Class of 2016 (Email:
B) ITE Alumni Football Group
This Football Group, officially launched in July 2003, draws many enthusiastic alumni to have regular game sessions on our College fields. Occasionally, friendly matches against ITE Senior Management, and tournaments with other external football groups
are arranged.

Alumni who have the passion for the game are welcome to join the group.
Interested? Please contact: Adviser, Mr Yee Joo Siang, Graduating Class of 1970 (Email:
C) ITE Alumni Golf Group
Calling all alumni golf enthusiasts who are keen to come together to improve their swing and have regular social golf games in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Interested? Please contact: Chairman, Mr Joseph G K Samy, Graduating Class of 1989 (Email:
D) ITE Alumni Symphonia
ITE Alumni Symphonia was formed for alumni with strong passion for music and performing arts in Oct 2021. It provides a platform for passionate alumni to continue strengthening their musical talents and maintaining the communication bridge for current CCA band students to learn from their seniors.

Interested? Please contact: Chairman, Mr Melvin Ang, Graduating Class of 2017 (Email:
E) ITE Alumni Youth Wing
In recognition of the importance of promoting bonding with students prior to their graduation, the ITE Alumni Youth Wing was launched in Feb 2007.
This platform provides opportunities for graduating students to interact and network with their fellow alumni who are successful entrepreneurs and professionals, as well as get together to organise fun activities to demonstrate their leadership qualities.

Interested? Please contact: Adviser, Mr Alvin Yang, Graduating Class of 2004 (Email: