Micro:Bit − Build An Auto-Watering Plant System
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Short Courses
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ITE College Central
Discover how to use a Micro:bit, a small programmable computer, to build a system that waters your plants automatically. This beginner course will teach you how to code and assemble your own auto-watering system, perfect for bringing convenience to the daily task of watering your plants.
SkillsFuture Course Reference Number: TGS-2017504548
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What you'll learn
- Explore the features and uses of the Micro:bit
Writing and Modifying Programs
- Write, edit, and upload simple programmes to your Micro:bit
Using Sensors and Components
- Learn about moisture sensors, electronic circuits, motors, and pumps
Building the Auto-Watering System
- Create an electronic circuit for your system
- Write a program for your Micro:bit to control the watering process
Combining Program and Hardware
- Integrate your programme and hardware to build a working auto-watering plant system prototype
Entry Requirements
Possess basic computer knowledge
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