Fatin Mayasari Bte Amran
Nitec in Video Production
ITE College Central
Picture of Positivity
Fatin Mayasari Bte Amran is a storyteller, except she does so through music and moving pictures. While music is her first love, video production was something she grew to enjoy while at ITE. Both, however, are her avenues for expressing herself.
During her two years at ITE, Fatin gave her all. Her commitment and excellent work attitude shone through in her co-curricular activities and class work – traits which earned her praises at the company she interned at.
Well-liked by her peers, Fatin does not hesitate to guide or push her classmates to do better. When a classmate displayed signs of depression, Fatin was there to support her mentally and academically. Today, Fatin continues to check in on her and celebrate each little step towards recovery. For her diligence, spirit of excellence and positivity, Fatin is indeed a role model for peers.
Think Positive
“My best memory of ITE would be my Final Year Project. I learnt a lot about myself and my way of thinking during that period. The project basically summed up my past two years. If things don’t turn out well, or it is something that I had not envisioned, being able to change my perception can help turn things around for the better!”
After ITE
Fatin is currently pursuing a Diploma in Media Post-Production at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. She would like to explore a career in the media industry upon graduation.
Top Achievements
- Despite studying at ITE College Central, Fatin rose to become Section Leader and Vice President of the ITE West Concert Band – a band she first joined as an honorary member while still in secondary school. She used her video production skills to put together a series of band recordings.
- Fatin was also part of the ACE programme and was involved in several community events where she imparted the skills she learnt to secondary school students and Institute of Mental Health patients.
- Her excellent academic performance saw her graduate with a perfect Grade Point Average of 4.0. She was on the Director’s List every semester.
- The multi-talented Fatin is also a songwriter (since she was 12!) but was too shy to showcase her work. One of her originals was featured in her Final Year Project.
Desmond Ng Aik Hong
Nitec in Nursing
ITE College East
Learning for Life
A firm believer in lifelong learning, Desmond demonstrated this by successfully going through three very different careers. He first started out as a pastry chef. He then made the switch to do administrative work, despite having zero knowledge on how to use a computer. He learnt on the job and stayed in that line for 19 years until he decided to make yet another switch – this time to nursing. Inspired by the nurses’ professionalism and care they showed his grandmother, Desmond enrolled for the full-time nursing course under the Professional Conversion Programme in 2020.
At 50, Desmond was more than twice the age of most of his classmates, but that did not deter him from having an active campus life! He was diligent in his work, putting in extra effort so he did not fall behind. He also participated in several community activities and was known as the ‘dad of the class’. Today, he is enjoying his third career as an Enrolled Nurse, proving age is no barrier when it comes to learning!
All in the Mind
“It takes courage to switch careers, but I want to challenge myself and learn new things. I was initially afraid I could not catch up. I only studied up till ‘N’ levels, so I had to put in three times the effort! But the teachers at ITE taught in a well-structured manner. As long as I put in the effort, I could follow. I want to be a nurse for as long as I can.”
After ITE
Desmond is currently enjoying his new career as an Enrolled Nurse at Singapore General Hospital.
Top Achievements
- Desmond’s extra effort in his studies saw him being placed on the Director’s List for two semesters in 2020. He also earned the Edusave Character Award (2020), Edusave Merit Bursary and Certificate of Academic Achievement (2020) and Edusave Award for Achievement, Good Leadership and Service (2020).
- He is also an active member of the Rotary Club and was appointed Vice-President of Community Services in 2021. Desmond was awarded the Platinum CCA Award and Rotary-ITE Student Excellence Award (2021) for his many contributions.
- During clinical attachments, Desmond was self-motivated and demonstrated passion to improve his skills. His ability to apply his skills showed in the excellent care he provides to his patients, which impressed his supervisors.
Mohamad Hilman Bin Mohamad Hatta
Higher Nitec in IT Systems & Networks
ITE College West
IT’s a Success
It might have taken Mohamad Hilman B Mohamad Hatta a few years to discover his potential, but those bumpy years were necessary for Hilman to grow into the man he is today. Hilman professed feeling lost and lacking in motivation at that time. It was during National Service that he decided it was time for him to do something to better himself. He enrolled in an Information Technology course at ITE as the industry was booming at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Though it was an entirely new field for Hilman, he took up the challenge nonetheless and discovered he had a flair for it!
While he perfected his IT skills, Hilman also took the chance to feed his passion for social work by taking on leadership positions in the Service Ambassador Club and Student Volunteer Corp and participating in several community projects. On top of that, Hilman was active in other college projects and events, and even held a part-time job to finance his own expenses! For excelling in so many areas, Hilman is most deserving of The Ngee Ann Kongsi Gold Medal Award.
A New Hope
“I am not your regular success story. Returning to ITE at 21 to start a totally new course was nerve-wrecking but not everyone is gifted with a second chance in life, and I was determined to make the most of mine.
My journey in ITE has been nothing short of life transforming. Apart from discovering my innate passion in IT and winning all these awards and accolades, my greatest takeaway is this new ME – a Hilman who will not tire or find a shortcut to excellence but will persevere and always give my best for family, friends and country!”
After ITE
Hilman is currently pursuing a Diploma in Information Technology at Singapore Polytechnic. He hopes to marry his IT skills with his passion for social work in the future.
Top Achievements
- For demonstrating excellence in academia, community service and leadership, Hilman received more than 10 awards and accolades! These include the Government Investment Corporation (GIC) Study Grant 2021, 4PM Bestari Award 2021, Lembaga Biasiswa Kenangan Maulud Academic Excellence Award 2021 and Lee Kuan Yew Model Student Award 2022.
- Hilman was a natural leader, having helmed the Service Ambassador Club (2020-2021), Student Volunteer Corps (2021) and his Class EXCO (2020-2021). He was also a Team Leader in the ACE Club and was chosen to participate in the US Embassy Alumni Mentoring Programme in 2021.