Roles & Responsibilities of the ITE Board
- Provide leadership and set strategic aims and directions for ITE
- Review the management performance of ITE
- Facilitate industry linkages and promote ITE to industry
- Establish a framework of prudent and effective controls to assess and manage risks
- Ensure ITE’s values, standards, obligations in the law and Minister’s directions are understood and met
- Approve the appointment of auditors, bankers, counsel, solicitors and such officers or agents, when necessary
- Authorise appropriate and necessary expenditure beyond the approval limits set for Management
- Appoint general or specific committees comprising partially or entirely of Board members for purposes which would be better regulated by a committee
- Ensure ITE’s financial statements are audited in accordance with the ITE Act (Chapter 141A) and submit a copy of the audited financial statements and annual reports (signed by Chairman/ITE), together with a copy of any report made by the auditor,
to Minister
- Propose additions, amendments or repeal of provisions of the ITE Act (Chapter 141A) to Minister
- Do all such other acts and things as may be requisite to give the powers conferred on the Board by the ITE Act (Chapter 141A)
Board Committees
To better regulate certain functions, the following Committees have been appointed to assist the Board:
- Nominating Committee
- Audit and Risk Committee
- Establishment Committee
- Finance and Investment Committee
- Partnership with Employers Committee