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Course Duration

3 hours

Type of course

Short Courses

Campus where course is offered

ITE College West

Learn how to boost your wellness through nutritious beverages! By focusing on three primary bases - Vegetable Juices, Herbal Teas, and Kombucha, the course aims to educate participants on the nutritional benefits and versatile uses of these drinks.

This course includes a 15-minute self-directed online learning session for participants to complete before the physical session.


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*STEP will be used to administer all ITE Continuing Education & Training (CET) courses starting from 1 April 2024 onwards.  For first time users of STEP, please register and sign in here.

*STEP – Skills Training & Enhancement Portal, the new one-stop learning portal to manage all courses and learning needs across the 5 polytechnics and ITE.

What you'll learn

  • Introduction and Overview of the Beverage Industry
  • Nutritional Aspects of Beverages
  • Health Benefits and Risks of Beverages
  • Common Ingredients and Their Benefits
  • Hands-On Exploration Activity with various ingredients
  • Interactive Activity: Creating and tasting beverage recipes

Entry Requirements