My Online BusinessThe course will provide students with the necessary understanding and technical competencies to conceptualise and market their products to their target audience. Students will come to appreciate the basic principles of marketing and create simple websites to showcase their products online. As part of the assignment, they will be required to conceptualise a product, apply marketing concepts, and develop and publish a website to market the product on the digital platform.Related ITE Course: Higher Nitec in IT Systems & Networks (3-year)
At the end of the module, students will be able to:Develop marketing plan Market a product onto an online platform
S/N Module Outline 1Develop Marking Plan Using 4Ps StrategyDefine what is Product MarketingIdentify the 4 Ps of Product MarketingDesign a Product to be marketedDesign a Place to be marketedDesign a Price to be marketedDesign a Promotion to be marketed 2Market a Product onto an Online PlatformUnderstand and apply the use of Domain Name & Web HostingDescribe and develop a basic website demonstrating Web Design FundamentalsPublish Website onto Online Platform