Grow Your Own Greens (GYOG)

Urban farming has grown and developed immensely to improve food security in Singapore.  It has grown in popularity among hobbyists amidst the pandemic. The course aims to bring back the fun in farming at the comfort of one’s own home. Students will practice hands-on preparation of planting media, seeding, growing, and harvesting different types of micro-greens. Upon completion of this module, in the latest ‘farm to table’ concept, students will be able to kick-start, grow, care for and harvest different types of edible microgreens (mini vegetables) effortlessly. The new skills honed will enable them to creatively use the microgreens as a healthy salad, or as a lip-smacking addition to their daily food or drinks.

Related ITE Courses: Nitec in Urban Greenery & Landscape, Higher Nitec in Landscape Management & Design

In Theory Lesson, lectures will cover topics on the overview of Singapore Green Plan 2030, the need for Food Security, Urban Farming strategies, soil and planting techniques, common pests and diseases, types of compost and fertiliser related to Urban Faming with emphasis on growing of micro-greens and leafy greens.

During Practical Lesson, students will get hands-on practice on the following:

  • Select and prepare appropriate materials, tools and equipment
  • Prepare planting media and materials
  • Plant seeds, maintain and harvest microgreens